ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE Directed by Jim Jarmusch Oct 28, 2014 BEAHIVE Set against the romantic desolation of Detroit and Tangier, an underground musician, deeply depressed by the direction of human activities, reunites with his resilient and enigmatic...
FAKE IT SO REAL Directed by Robert Greene Sept 23, 2014 BEAHIVE Filmed over a single week leading up to a big show, the film follows a ragtag group of wrestlers in North Carolina, exploring what happens when the over-the-top theatrics of the wrestling ring collide...
EVERYMAN’S JOURNEY Directed by Ramona S. Diaz Aug 5, 2014 BEAHIVE In this highly enjoyable new summer release, Everyman’s Journey follows the real life rock ’n’ roll fairy tale of Arnel Pined, who was plucked from YouTube to become the front man for one of the...
MUSEUM HOURS Directed by Jem Cohen June 24, 2014 BEAHIVE When a Vienna museum guard befriends an enigmatic visitor, the grand Kunsthistorisches Art Museum becomes a mysterious crossroads which sparks explorations of their lives, the city, and the ways artworks reflect...
LLYN FOULKES ONE MAN BAND Directed by Tamar Halpern and Chris Quilty April 29, 2014 Dogwood Eight years in the making, Llyn Foulkes One Man Band is an intimate portrait of an artist battling his own demons as well as the perceived demons of the art world. Q&A with...
VISITORS Directed by Godfrey Reggio March 25, 2014 BEAHIVE VISITORS reveals humanity’s trancelike relationship with technology, which, when commandeered by extreme emotional states, produces massive effects far beyond the human...
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